Purpose is something I have spent much time thinking about lately. What the purpose is for actions I plan, for those I allow, what the purpose of objectives are, and the actions that support those purposes. What if we adopted the concept, for a little while, that public acclaim or affirmation reduced the value of the gift you give to others….to self….that the true rewards are earned when only you and God know.
It seems to me that too often I am enjoying public acclaim for actions I’d prefer to do quietly. The Bible says to encourage one another but it also teaches us not to pray like the Pharisees who publicly show that they are praying…etc
I personally want to live a life that daily shows love to my self, my God and to those he puts before me. Self? Yes. You see God tells me to love my neighbor as I love myself, and some days that would be mighty little love if it is based on how much I love me. I’m not even sure I like me some days, though I am learning to as the Nester would say, learn that “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful…” which I believe wholeheartedly except of course when I define my heart that way…in that case I have to work daily on remembering perfect isn’t the goal, purposeful about obedience to God is. To be accepting, loving, forging forward as me means that I accept that whatever I do that doesn’t conform to God’s way, he will forgive me when I acknowledge the ownership of it. The Bible also shares that when I seek wisdom I will receive it, when I need godly desires, he will plant them within me if I ask.
There’s that word again, asking requires ownership of a need…a selflessness that says I am incomplete, imperfect, without you.
God created us for companionship and relationship….
so doesn’t it make sense He would pleasure in our seeking His face, His ideas, His paths for our life.
After all we are perfected in Him…
that is His purpose…to be there for us.