A dreary day in Alabama. I had such hopes of getting the tree up, but alas, no. We did have a quiet day though, Dh went hunting, daughter and I stayed home except to grocery shop for sale items later in the day. Love stocking that cabinet when its on at least 40% off specials.
Daughter is loving the Wii. I am loving seeing her actively doing something in the house…she loves the movements. I would so like to get her Wii Music for Christmas, but probably not this year.
It was so good to see my brother and his wife and son. Good to see my father’s stepdaughter doing so much better after a sever stroke last year at a young age. Good to see both parent and wife doing well. Miss Virginia tries so hard to make things lovely.
I am excited about a CD player for under the cabinet Dh got for me early on sale. I can listen to sermons and music now when I’m in the kitchen, Yippee! That is a Merry Christmas to be sure!
God is good
I didn't get my tree done either…I had forgotten that most of my lights burned out last year and I only had one string left! Will have to run out today after church and get a few more.