Les is home. Words cannot express how much this helps. I woke up today with no pain, then I opened my eyes. ugh.
Today is better, I am staying in the dim light, not trying to use my eyes more than 10 minutes at a time. Les has scrubbed our bedroom and bathroom suite and has put out tests to see what is in that rooom. So far no news is good news. He threw away all my makeup, soaps, and they rewashed everything again that had been in that room. (well, they’ve started, its my whole closet) Meanwhile, we are still doing the hourly things with medicene to keep my eyes from going nuts.
My right eye has no fog over it today, but still doesn’t focus, my left eye still has a layer of something covering focus ability but I am not hurting as much today and so far not one “flair up” of amazing swelling or pain…yay!!!!
Thank you so much for your prayers. We go back to the cornea specialist on Monday who will be in Huntsville. Les is taking off work to take me. I am hoping to hear the cornea abrasion is better.
God is God and I am trusting that there is a plan in this as well. I am so thankful for Madison and the other children, they are all helping get through this! Les coming home was by far the best help! How appreciative I am for David Cooper as well, who has faithfully called throughout the days to keep my mind entertained on something to think about besides hurting.
I had no idea you were suffering this way! I will be praying for you.
Lord, please help the cornea specialist on Monday find some answers so that Sweetie can be released from this ailment. You are the Great Physician and we trust her in your hands.
Please continue to keep us posted.