The morning has been pleasantly slow. I spent time yesterday stretching as I learned to write in html in a third column on this site. It was one of those times it took 3 minutes to write/copy in the html, but 3 hours to fix the space alignment fixtures…so for those of you who came to visit during The Company Girl Coffee….well, you weren’t exactly entering the funhouse mirror rooms, but perhaps it appeared that way! ๐ It felt good though to accomplish it!
This morning Les my dear husband, has already rearranged three heavy bookcases that needed to be adjusted after the tree came down from Christmas. We won’t discuss how it just came down yesterday….but our youngest two were in Arkansas for the holidays and they wanted it up when they came home…so up it stayed. Talk about feeling naughty and bad as we had it up waaaay past Christmastide. Somehow my inner rules were in high shame mode for allowing it….and then I recognized that I was doing it to myself….and said right back to myself “Its perfectly okay to allow this to be different, we are gathering around it, its an easy enough thing to allow and it is not hurting anyone” but boy was that an unexpected result of letting it stay up!
Aren’t we funny at what we allow to guilt us, make us feel bad, and quietly suffer over….most of it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans either…..I am recognizing more and more what I allow to steal my peace and remove my joy…and choosing to live in ways that keep me in God’s peace and share in God’s joy! We have to choose to be guilted, offended, hurt….and I am actively decided to return love, not upset to the situations and those I need to change, I work to change me!
Yesterday Dixie the lab pup had a scary moment. She was on the kitchen floor playing, with food and water nearby, but decided the mop bucket looked tastier. I got her just as she took her tongue to the Mr. Clean and water filled bucket….then of course we had to call poison control and pray that she didn’t get any down her throat. God is good, a little milk to neutralize her mouth and not so much as one problem. We are all that way aren’t we…..we have so much at hand, within our reach, but so often find something not intended for us instead of enjoying what has been provided for us.
Today Miss Madison and I will go to look for a dressy dress for her to attend her natural father’s wedding in late February. She’s a tween and a little difficult to fit right now in that not quite a junior, past a child size.
Good morning! Your house sounds like mine with all of your fur kids!! ๐ Puppies are the best~ glad the lab is ok. Our “Ubu” was really sick a few weeks after we got him and spent the night at Pet Emergency. It was a bacterial infection and thankfully, after 24 hours, he was barking again like little beagle puppies do. He was all better!
I’m so glad that you stopped by my blog, too. After reading your note for Company Girl Coffee, we seem to have a lot in common. I could use your hubbie’s expertise in the couples’ stress area. WHEW!
stick with me…we’ll teach you how to order all different types of coffee drinks. However, my favorite will always be a vanilla latte, with non fat milk and extra hot.
Have a blessed day…have fun shopping for that dress, too.