Today was another snowy day in Alabama. Christmas yesterday brought the gift of an unexpected snowfall. How delightful to wake up and see huge flakes of beautiful white snow falling and covering everything
with its freshness. It was a different Christmas for me, the children were in Arkansas, my husband deployed to Afghanistan….it was the seven of us, six dogs and me for Christmas.
There were offers to come visit others, but the reality of six dogs sent out for the holiday or driving in the snow dd not appeal to me. I woke up to a beautiful crisp morning….and the delight of the snow falling. The fellas outside were thankful for a warm Christmas breakfast delivered in the snow.
The day brought a reverence only allowed when one takes time to slow down and experience all that God gifts us in silence.
It was a beautiful experience and one that I will not forget soon….a day of remembering and being reminded of all the many blessings God has gathered in my life….on the day we remember the greatest gift of all…
I can totally relate w/ you. I've had to find a new normal for christmas at times due to circumstances out of my control. Stopping by from I'd love to have you over for a visit…have a great week! {Tara}