The last few days in our area have been plagued with stormy winds and harsh weather. Trees were blown like small sticks and there were many moments of harsh realities of fifty mile an hour driving winds.The next day the sun came out and the storm was over. Sticks and trunks populate our land still, but the storms are over. How easy it is to allow weather storms to be over, how much harder for us sometimes to let emotional storms be stilled. I engaged this week how the storm had left brokenness in its path, required immediate change on some situations but for the most part, after its presence, the storm’s raging winds and damaging ways could no longer be present that next sunny day except in the wake it left. Any other presence of it was simply because someone continued to relive it through discussion. Some storms are best allowed to die like the winds that brought them…and to get on about the business of making new things from that which it left behind. After all there is entirely too many beautiful things this day to engage than to spend time reliving whatever storms we’ve seen.