There is a good amount of crazy going on this month. Travel deadlines, project deadlines and well, a good dose of wild most weeks with the holidays and end of the year happenings. Are you ready for peace? It is my opinion that we try to do entirely too much in the name of Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwannza not to mention progress.
This week I’ve been traveling in Nashville with our sixteen year old daughter. She’s shadowing mom as I work on production for a project and tagging along for the fun of traveling together as well. We have spent the days working and the evenings doing what ever is an adventure before us. We’re both geared to be easy going and our best times are typically wandered into, not planned or mapped out. This week was no different.
As this wise child of ours, and let me assure you she came that way, not anything we did to pour it into her, watched, listened, and embraced all that is busy in my work world she simply asked…
Are all adults under the impression that success is somewhere else than where they are? It seems awfully true that most folks think that.
This year I have spent the early morning times studying, reading, praying, and listening to God and my own thoughts about the discipline of peace. You see I am a whirlwind in action most moments of my waking day. My energy is high naturally and I am a creative, which brings a double whammy to one’s existence. By nature I like to create, solve, engage, and combine forces with others to change whatever is before us to whatever it was we sought it to be…
The secret this year has brought though, is that for me, it is the engagement in the moment that matters. The willingness and efforts to be where I am that bring the most amazing moments. The laughter that a canned drink shooting in the air when I’m ready for a camera take, the moment of stopping because while I was rushing to check one more think off my list, I realized that the sweetest person in front of me in line was hoping simply to have an interaction, a warm word or moment. That slowing the glances to the future and the end of something brings more focus on the present everything.
This season, this day, I so pray that you find the gift of this moment. To choose to be at peace regardless of what comes at you. To listen, learn, and embrace all that is in your heart and world in this day, and to share what you have with others. Let’s be honest, we take for granted so many things in our every day presence in the pursuit of success somewhere else. We ignore our best selves too often in the flurry of being somewhere else. This moment, today, this holiday, let’s embrace the moments before us.
Will you join me?