Today our minister asked us to step out of our comfort zones in faith. To listen for God’s promptings and to stop and act on them this week. It is so the same urgings the Holy Spirit continually reminds me to do right now….and the last few months have been so life changing as each small thing was done and I have focused more on obeying God in the smallest of things….which led to bigger changes.
God so wants our moment by moment attention…..and I personally am so good at not walking in absolute trust that God is indeed in control. It seems that the entire concept of a deity who is omnipresent, omniscient and all powerful regularly escapes my pea brain. ….however that lack of intentional focus and belief that God is indeed God does not change the fact that God is God.
Think of it a moment, the life that God promises us through Abraham’s covenants, through Jesus’s crucifixition, through the redeemption of our sins and our past on the cross……take a moment and realize the true gift that salvation and obedience to God brings….
Its overwhelming…..humbling and joy filling……
and its mine!