In our home Sunday is a day of worship and rest. My guys would tell you this morning that a tree stand or somewhere in a hunting stance, is definitely keeping in line with that concept. Today is the second day of deer season in Alabama and I know that bottom line, they’d both like to be out in the woods. When we are out at a cabin, or visiting our family in a more rural area where you can do both, they surely do… Worship is not a place for me in the physical term, its a place of personal engagement. Sunday morning my husband Les engages in service, the love language our children speak, to make them a fabulous breakfast of their favorites. We gather as the family and then load up for our time with other Christians in worshiping God.
There has been a good amount of discussion lately about the lack of worship, of hearts reaching to God in awe and thankfulness for all that He is. I know my own perspective has been focused on much more than what matters the past few weeks. There are days I am simply thankful I am not God, can you imagine the continual images of hurt, need, pain, and denial he must deal with?
My favorite way to worship is in song. It seems to me music allows me to lose myself in praise of God. when I am singing client work disappears, Mt Washmore dissolves, what to cook for dinner simply doesn’t live in my heard…Whether it is playing the notes or adding an instrument to other more gifted musicians, or supporting a truly gifted voice with background singing, for me the act of creating voice to worship is a place that is between God and I. Teaching and sharing studies allows me to dig deeper to learn more ways to express God’s love and plan for us with others. I am always the one who receives the most of that preparation I am sure, but it is such a place my heart grows. During the week I like to focus on worshipping by traditional means such as Bible studies and lecture, but also focus on reminding myself and being aware that our true worship is in living God’s love in our lives as leaders, servants, and workers for the hearts before us…to be present where we are, doing what we can, with who God puts before us….including ourselves.
How do you spend your Sundays?
Praise songs speak to my heart too. Yesterday two songs touched deep. Tears. Huge smile. A glimpse of heaven.