Big week this week. Play off game for son2, Son1 called and had good reports from college, Daughter 1 found her wedding dress and I went to court and had a successful day regarding custody and back child support issues with the children’s natural dad. Hard week on that regard….strife is never a good thing…but its good to be past it.
Son1 just called and needed $ in his account for fuel, ah the joys of being 18 and mismanaging your budget 4 days before payday…..I am proud of him though, he works and pays his own way to college and has been successfully doing so for 4 months now. This was a minor error and he caught it before it became a have to.
The air is chilly in North Alabama and I am so thankful for a pretty fall day and a full life. We returned to the Baptist church we visited last week and Dh says we will continue to seek God and explore being members there.
Personally, I am a little overwhelmed at the new roles I have as wife, mother, and stepmother this year, and am having to continually focus to take time to listen to God, seek answers that are deep within me, that the Holy Spirit is bringing to my attention and honestly affirm the worthwhile endeavors and change those things that are needing improvement. Sometimes I wish life as me came with a management manual.
My Dh and I are going through a transition and its a good one….but all things new and different are just that …new and different…and we’re having to learn our way through it…marriage is a continual realigning of ourselves to support each other and our relationship in healthy ways…and I am so fortunate to have a husband who does make family a first priority after God.
God is good….
Praying for you on the journey!