I come from a family where folks not only share what they think…but they spend time debating and affirming that thoughts involving the human condition, politics, and ways of thought matter….being the youngest and perhaps weakest minded of the five from my original family, I often enjoy being in the midst of their conversations without participating in them….often they have read things I have not experienced, studied causes and participated in events that are so far removed from my existence as wife, mom and writer, that I would only prove my ignorance to join in their conversations….
Any wisdom I have gained in this life has been of God’s prompting, usually through the voice of an old man or woman who have travelled through my life, of a quiet worker here or there, and often from those unformally educated by the existence that seventy or eighty years on this earth grants you with honors, and occasionally by the experience that doing something that irrevocably changes your perception brings you, such as touching the fire red coal will, and realizing that red indeed is not simply a beautiful color, but has meaning in some cases…..Today as I read Bardcat…I chuckle at his friend’s definition of human…yet think in its simplicity it is indeed true that to be human is at its base, a tremendous need to look up…..to allow God to be God and to humble ourselves before Him.
This day I am thankful that indeed God does not give me more than He himself knows I can bear.
God is good….I will continue to trust him…even in the storms…
I have given you something so visit me.