Often awareness is the key to growth, change, or movement. We make so many assumptions and accept so many things in our lives as simply the way it is. Our beliefs are often based in experience, though many times with the wrong qualifiers combining to make assumptions. We are trained very much like Pavlov’s experiment to respond to certain stimuli in our lives. All very good if one was raised in a healthy environment or experienced balanced parents, teachers, or employers. However often we have areas of woundedness in our lives that are supporting false information we assume is true. Can you think of an “aha” moment that you discovered that you had allowed an assumption that was in not in alignment with the actual truth of the situation?
As a strategist, educator, and parent, I find what the mind in front of me believes must be dealt with as often and as intensely as the instruction of how to do the skill, invoke the system, or create strategies for their success. If we have pre-qualified a belief as “truth” without examining why we believe that to be true, it can often lead to repetitive heart ache.
Words like “It always…” “I never…” “Every time…” are indicator tones of supposed truth qualification that rarely actually ARE true. Often tasks may have resulted in less than favorable results or on the other hand, over-jealous control, because the activity was not broken down to support all reasonings that the experience was what it was. However these are the “big” ones, there are thousands of small beliefs we pre-qualify a day as “THE” way something is, when it may be simply one way it might be.
What do you believe? “She’s the pretty one..” “He’s always done that more easily…” “Of course they will succeed (rather than…) because” E.g. “I’ll never make enough money to overcome my need…” when the qualification was if they worked consistently in meaningful skills that are worth xyz amount in the marketplace, or hired, organized others to do so, within a period of time the statement will not be true. There are options: learn more skills, do them differently, reduce the needs, expand the possibilities, charge more for advanced efforts, reduce time consuming unpleasant tasks, hire additional help… You see, the first statement has many many assumptions, and rarely do we stop to listen to what we are saying to ourselves. Our minds obey our thoughts, our words matter. What have you given pre-qualification power to in your life as truth that isn’t true at all when you take time to consider the subject where you are, who you are, today?