When I moved as an eleven year old, the new town and school was very clique-ish….they dressed differently, they were divided into groups of societies, and they were not exactly friendly to the new girl…..I didn’t measure up to their standards of dress codes, possessions, or allowed behaviors. At our home, we were about school for learning, clothes for modesty, and life was not about how popular we were….
Blogging is much the same way for me. I love visiting other’s blogs and sites that are choosing to live life for others. Choosing to do the best they can with where they are….while striving to do better. While I blog professionally for some businesses and individuals, my personal blog, Growing into Lovely, is simply that…my personal blog. Its not an advertising piece, nor designed to be an income provider, its simply where I enjoy writing and reflecting!
Lately I have fallen back to the comparision method of life. I have been around women and men who measure value of their lives and success financially. How easily I went into immediately beating myself up for not achieving their goals, their way…..then my Father prodded me again to realize I am exactly as He made me….and if I need anything I am to ask….not worry….and while I adore my friends, and truly admire what they do with their lives, my own life has a different call on it.
I spent alot of weeks wondering if I was simply afraid of financial success, or defining it as something I can’t be a part of, or unwilling to learn the skills of more financially successful ventures….but as I pondered, prayed, and studied, I realized again that in our family we have a different set of values.
My husband’s goal was to bring me home from a 40-50 hour work week for others outside out home. To give me the freedom of not working at times when we feel our family needs me home, and at other times to allow me the freedom to do creative projects for others. I love helping others reach their goals in writing, marketing, and planning. My years experience with specialty learning issues makes me a resource for parents, schools, and administrations that face the situations we faced. Our work with restoring families matters to us, and more importantly was a God assignment…..
All that to say….
Are you allowing your own mind, or your friend’s words to beat you up? Do you feel less or unsuccessful because someone else is trying to bind you with their definitions of who you should be? This may be a family member, a boss, or a friend….what words do you use during the day to yourself? Are you affirming your choices in life? Are you choosing to live the life your heart is hoping and dreaming for? What things do you dream of being different?
So many things in our lives we simply DO have the power to change…..for me it was wanting to do more to allow my husband and children to know they matter. Darn folks, when I asked them what makes them feel loved, you would know its clean laundry in their drawers…….aaaarrrrghhh……..but the truth is, I love doing it for them knowing that it makes them feel loved.
What makes you feel loved?
One of the best parts of my world are the moments when I am in the Word and realize that God loves me…..that I am somewhat on the path He has me on because I am aware of the inner peace and joy that comes with walking in God’s paths for you…..too often lately I was off the beaten path of where I needed to be, chasing identities, and approval for goals that simply may not line up with the ones Dh and I set as our family goals…
What makes me feel loved is knowing that when I do struggle with decisions, there are friends I can call, email, tweet, or talk to that will pray with me for wisdom, for peace, for supernatural help from our heavenly Father to face whatever it is we’re facing together……and they do!!
God is good, have a GREAT Saturday and know that you’re always in God’s club….just ask and He’ll let you in!
Love being on God’s club!
I often have to turn off the blog visits that make me feel “less than” by comparison. Not that they mean to, but it can have that effect on me.
I’m still working on the right perspective, and there is always room for God to bring me back to the place where my focus is on Him, and what and where He wants me to be. So simple but I overcomplicate things!
Hope you have a great week!