Our trip to Texas was a beautiful thing. Les was generous and kind enough to rearrange his schedule to be my personal driver and good time friend when my original plan to go with a girlfriend didn’t work out. This is a loving sacrifice for him. You see, I am a very high energy girl and when I am at an event like the Thelma Wells “Ready to Win” Conference, I am on a mission the entire time. Usually my timeline includes 6 a.m. to midnight workschedules and alot of missed meals. Top that with the concept that I need to personally pray and prepare for such events and you have a husband who gets very little chance for normacy for 3 days running. Add to that over 28 hours of driving time and a tired wife and you know why he’s my hero.
God is good!
I can only imagine how tired you must be. You will have to tell me all about the trip.