How often are we like the people invited to the feast that were too busy to take time to celebrate with the host? I know lately I have been. Much too busy to celebrate with my Father and be thankful for all the good things he lays before me in His presence. In Luke 14:16 Jesus tells the story of a man who prepared a great feast and sent many many invitations. When the banquet was laid, the invited guests all had excuses as to why they couldn’t partake of what had been prepared for them. The excuses were all valid reasonings, logical until you realize they were turning down the opportunity to be fed from the host a feast prepared specificially for them. In the story Jesus says the master was furious at the invitees refusals to make time for his feast…and urged his servants to fill his house with those who had time for him.
How true is this for me? How often do I not have time to feast on that which God lays before me? To take time to sit in ease and comfort in the plan he has for my feeding? To make his plan priority for my day and my nights? My busy-ness literally causes me not to taste the smallest crumbs of the banquet Christ Jesus has prepared for me at His father’s table…..
Father God, forgive me my thoughts of what is important, what is necessary, help me to focus only on you….to rest within your care, your provision, to not think that any of what I think matters… alone have the plan I wish to follow. Forgive me my self indulgences in thinking I can plan better for myself than the one who made me.