It is my personal experience that no one can have it all. There are seasons in life. At 47 I am more aware that there are only 3 years left with children at home…some things cannot be “done later.”Our daughter’s educational needs meant she needed to be home schooled, (she’s dyslexic and dysgraphic) it was obvious as a former educator, that was going to be put on my side of the to-do list. Did it affect my ability to continue to work, absolutely! It allowed/encouraged/forced me to find new perspectives in how to make my professional life work. When we choose to be aware of what is important to the individuals we love and ourselves and plan to be supportive of those experiences, life works better for me as an individual and as a bride, mom, step mom, and entrepreneur. My family is willing to forgive my schedule shortcomings and I theirs when tough times do come because we focus on not doing that. We try to keep basic systems in place to make things work for all of us. Girlfriends and professional pals have helped me personally to have real conversations, transparent friendships to keep us all focused on what matters. Your support system matters, part of making home and career work for me is having close, reliable, committed friends who help support each other in our goals.
Making home and work life function is a dance, at times it is a lovely waltz, at others a frantic jitterbug, every now and then it feels like the Robot but like all dances, it is best spent not sitting back wishing you could sway to life’s music….it’s awkward at times, but before long, with trial and error, we all learn what style works for us.
Yup, it definitely is a bit of a juggling act sometimes, but as long as we prioritize all the important things, it all seems to fall into place at the end. And I know that what I thought was important, wasn’t so much, when it meant that I got to have some fun with my kiddos.
Dear Joyce,
I am SO glad you came by today. You always have the gift of making me feel we’re talking and sharing face to face. Thanks for the visit!