Remember how I shared that writing the tithe check this week was so tough for me personally? We were facing a Friday deadline of several unexpected expenses that totalled $1400 and I simply didn’t know where it was going to come from. Projects that I am paid for weren’t set up to be paid anytime in the period needed, I didn’t see the issues coming in time to plan for them differently, I was feeling quite overwhelmed with finding a way to keep anything from being late!
Yesterday was rather the breathtaking day again. Woke up praying about how to make/rearrange DO something about the needed budget items. God simply said “no” to this idea and that idea. Les, as usual was simply calm and said “God will work it out” and I was more “we need to do this or that, let me try this or that” and my husband said “no.” I thought he was simply not dealing with reality to be honest…..I am the fixer in our life, he is the wait and see guy.
Then I checked email later in the morning between conference calls, laundry, and packing daughter for Dallas. In the midst of it was one from our bank. Our BANK? Yes, it was a fearful thing for me to open, thinking “what possibly could they be telling me that is positive?”It was a notice of a receiving of money from the state of Alabama. My heart began to sing. It was over $800 in tax return re evaluations that the state had direct deposited.
We continued to do the work before us, gather things we hoped to do at Huntsville, work around the house and even did a yard sale while we waited an additional hour for my glasses. At that yard sale we visited with a nice couple who were very friendly.
I came home and in the mail box was a check for over $600! My husband started beaming. He said “I knew God told me that He would take care of this” and sure enough over $1500 was the total of the day for unexpected blessings. I asked why that number and Les said “because I wanted to have enough to do something for us for Mother’s Day”
God is indeed a God of the details….our tithe again proof that in obedience God makes ways where ways were not…..there was no sense to the money that came. ….no expectation….the recession had caused so much of what might have once been profitable no longer to be….yet God’s economy has no recession, only love and provision for us!
We are thankful today for a budget that is back on track, for new glasses that make seeing such an adventure, for bills that are paid, for a weekend before us that is simply relaxing with work at home to do, for friends who prayed with us when it was hard to believe it would all be okay…..
God is good! I will learn to trust Him in ALL things!
Wow! Your life is like a puzzle thrown in the air one minute and then put rapidly into place the next. So glad everything worked out. As you say, God IS good!
Praise God for His provision!
Enjoy your Mother’s Day!
I am a day late for coffee, but this is an awesome post! How often we underestimate God.
Have a great Mother’s day!