My dear friend Thelma Wells, “Mama T” always says there’s always something on the back of but….and that is why I am choosing BUT as my unword for 2014. I find the more I think about it that I am straight forth in knowing what to do and then comes my excuse after the word “but”.
We’re making consistent changes this year. My year of allowing. We’ve already in less than a month changed the tone of our home from busy busy busy to scheduled and defined times off, organized and restful. Yahoo! We still have some moments that feel push to shove, yet they are so much rarer (like when the stomach flu plague hit last week) and much less able to take us back to the frantic, discombobulated life that was me last year.
This year I will listen to my self talk and wordings that include the word BUT. It seems to be my dividing line on when I allow myself to do what my heart and mind truly seek to do and when I whinny out of it. What about you? Will you choose an unword for 2014?