I got out the big gun today…my stainless coffee perculator…one mug of caffeine just doesn’t do it these mornings! Yesterday we had a reviewing of the expectations for children in the house after school. It seems this year’s batch of children find it no more popular than the last set who survived it until college….but after a bit of negotiating on consequences and a clear understanding of expectations, we’re off and running again….
Its not snowing today, which is sad, it was so nice to work with snowflakes yesterday. The tree and the lights are up now, working on decorating today. We put the tree in a new place this year and I do like it! Now today’s task is to get out the Christmas dishes and glasses and put the others away for now. The children leave on the 19th, so we enjoy while we can!
Today I will mail five letters off to folks who our preacher challenged us to appreciate and thank this week. The five I’ve chosen are long ago friends, adults in my life who made a difference. It is such a simple thing to do but so important to be thankful for those who commit and pour into us.
Daughter has a dentist appointment this morning. I am hoping to get a few writing projects off the table while she’s with Dh at the dentist.
God is good…..and its an important time to take time to be with Him.
Glad to hear things are going well for you guys. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I appreciate your encouraging words on my blog post. They mean the world to me. Where did you guys finally settle on as far as church goes? I know how tough that can be and it really is a God thing, isn’t it? I am so happy that you have found a place that is blessing you. Lots of love! ~Paige
You’re so funny! Of course kids hate rules, but hey, get over it. Nick got an “x” on his chore chart that he thought it was unreasonable. I said, I understand your feelings, but the x stays and if he continues to question me and badger me then he will get another one. He stopped.
Good for y’all taking your stand.