Yesterday we had one of those rare days where the children were all gone to college or Grandma’s and we were, the two of us, alone for 32 hours… at the end of the day, I mention to Dh that I was looking forward to the event….he says “what?” …I say, you know the event, the moment I know that you planned because its been a kazillion years since we were alone for a 24 hour period much less 32 hour period and I know you’ve planned something wonderful to go with the steak dinner I have planned and the movies we purchased…..and my man says “we could go get ice cream sandwiches at the little store and not tell them we did” yes, there you have it folks, my husband’s idea of a romantic moment when all children are away……
and for the record…..we didn’t do that either!
That’s so funny, we sneak off for ice cream at times too.