The morning was an “oh nelly” kind of blended family morning. The kind that makes you so aware of the damage that divorce does to a family, even eight years later, of conversations you should never have to have with a child at home….and afterwards, we went to the Huntsville Botanical Gardens together…a much needed break, enroute to Son2’s physican for more asthma help.
Tonight its raining softly, covering the plants and flowers like pleasant moments of a day well lived….and covering memories of a morning one wish never had happened.
I so understand those conversations that you should never have to have. We usually have a few during the “toxic zone”, as you call it (and has been coined the appropriate description around here). Lately, though, I’ve had to have several with my step-daughter. I don’t know if she’s just coming into the age (8) where she’s much more aware of all the differences? or if there’s something more. We’re praying about it.