It was not a good day, Monday, no, it was not a good day at all. Son1 who hoped to be leaving for college, not only got his things packed, his tires done, his license renewed, but he also go the phone call that his dorm room 8 hours away no longer existed in a town without apartments. Then there was the follow call that said his aid package wouldn’t be ready until Wednesday, which meant his classes dropped Tuesday at 5 p.m. By the end of the day, all plans had changed and we had one sad young man. Today we’ll pick up the pieces at our local college and try to reroute the plan.
This particular instance was preventable which is truly what makes it painful to watch and to allow him to have happen. We are rescuers by nature, but this child has been intent on doing things “by himself” since he was 2….at least since he was 12 when I came into the picture. He not only resents assistance, he absolutely will stop doing things if he senses interference from parents. This round we let him do it himself. Its a hard lesson on details.
I keep going back to my belief that things happen for a reason….and God knew long ago that this would happen, despite the turn of events. I have a peace about this, though I am so disappointed for him, something hasn’t been quite right from the beginning of this trek. I loved the school, know alot of them from my youth, but somehow Son1’s reasonings were not right for why he would choose it.
I am making chile rellanos today in a new way. It involves egg roll wrappers around the chiles and cheese. Something from recipeczar that sounded good. We’ll have mexican rice and beans to go with it.
Got six more loads of laundry done yesterday, so the house is looking almost like its Mt hillside instead of washmore….seasonal clothes are being put away on this load group. I still absolutely believe that when we are not getting it done, we have too much. Too much everything means I can put off doing something. Enough glasses and we can wait to wash them. Enough clothes and we dirty up 12 outfits before we do laundry. We keep up with things better when we have limits.
and that’s the thoughts of the day, such as they are!
God is good!