Tomorrow after church I get to go get Son2 from summer visitation at his father’s in Arkansas. Yeah team! We’re meeting in Memphis!
We went to the Point Mallard fireworks program. It was my very first large fireworks display and I loved it! It started downpouring just at the end after the last burst and we walked the 2 miles back to our parking area…soaked and happily amused at it all.
We went to the Point Mallard fireworks program. It was my very first large fireworks display and I loved it! It started downpouring just at the end after the last burst and we walked the 2 miles back to our parking area…soaked and happily amused at it all.
Today Dh and I worked on painting an armoire, a double dresser and my writing desk. We didn’t fare so well. We sanded, primed and then painted. And then found out it didn’t take. Scrape that and start again…..hours worth of effort wasted. So much for expensive primer and paints. What worked after resanding and priming was Dollar General’s spray paint. UGH but it looks so good and then we’ll hand wax a finish on it. Wallah….Mistreatments of furniture….Nester I thought of you all day! Keeping it real for you….you see the mess in the 8 days a mess master bath…..and painting frenzy! These are the “during” pictures….and during this project its ALL been a mess!
Tonight the kitchen floor is drying, I’m eating a flavor ice in grape and thankful as heck for a great day. God is good. I’ve got a roast in the fridge in a crock ready to leave on low so when we get home we’ll have roast potatoes, carrots and roast beast. Homemade rolls will just need heating up!
Nothing like figureing out the material you bought ions ago exactly matches what your current project is going to need without any $ involved! Yeah God! I used to live in Allen, TX and my dear friend came from NW ARkansas to help me find the warehouses to find wholesale vendors….in fact we’re quite involved in shopping frugally… most subject areas….so much so I had a used car dealer ask me to bird dog deals for him today at $100 a pop. Can you imagine? It seems the car we bought was so much less than what he could find locally he wants to hire me to find his used cars. This keeps happening in different venues so I guess I’m finally getting it, part of what will fund our work with stepfamilies “Creating a Joyful Place Called Home” will be “She’s So There” Outsourced Services….everything from ghostwriting, to facilitating, to helping connect home businesses to wholesale vendors who can supply them. WHat fun, I’m getting paid to do what I love doing. Now that’s GOD! I had already been licensed under Sweetwrites! for Outsourced Writing Services, now we’re adding She’s So There for personal and business Sourcing….life is never dull around here!
Its 10:31 and I need to finish up some laundry before we end up like the Emporer at church tomorrow…and in United Methodist Churches….well they expect clothes!
A few “During Pics” while we’re working! Notice the master bath’s former color was forrest green, which was NOT my doings and it definately had the “stuck in the 80’s” feel to it!
the border in the bathroom definitely has an eighties feel to it, lol. YIKES!
Happy Sunday, hon. Drive safely!!! Love ya!