Yesterday I managed to get 3 garbage sized bags of clothes out of closets and wash 11 loads and get them put away. I cannot tell you how neat it was to see the clothes put away and the seasons warmer clothes put in closets and dinner was still handled and we watched Biggest Loser together. Nice night.
I think my son has substituted his pacifier, long ago given away, for Mom making trips to his school during the day. One day it was for lunch money, another day for gym slacks, another day for English….yes that was three trips in 2 days and today….his football shirt is required by 12:45 p.m… another trip. These are those breezy trips in my windowless Honda, which by the way, shouldn’t be windowless by tomorrow! Yippee!!
We have been looking at houses and today I found one I simply loved, but its too far from our goals in distance. Its another cedar home with a pioneer feel to it on a couple of acres. I hope to find that home yet one day. This one was the right price and big enough simply not where we needed it.
Dh is up for a large promotion at work in the same location……this is a surprise and one we hope does indeed come to harvest. He would so love to be the job they are discussing. This move to Alabama has brought many opportunities for him to advance.
Dear son informed me today that for $387.00 he could be appropriately outfitted in under armour for deer hunting season. Let’s see, for the cost of the meat he would undoubtably get as the deer was simply stunned by the amazing fashion of its hunter, we would only need to budget $4-5 more per pound of deer harvest……ehhh…..uhmmm……I believe I’ll pass.
This morning we have an errand or three to run, then home for schooling and a fresh afternoon!
God is good