The rain was pouring this morning when I woke up, luscious stuff and the things I dream of ….but not on the days I have to drive son to school and deal with wet dogs. Last night we had a good family night with spaghetti and Italian bread and time together for a bit. We had to dodge late football practice and lots of wanting to be interruptions, but we set those things aside on family night.
God is so whispering that things are changing…..husband has it in his heart as well and it always gives me a sense of awe when God gives us the same messages in totally different ways….and so we begin again to know he is changing us and our surroundings.
My brother wrote a poignant piece on how the economy is changing and yet how most of the changes are cyclic…..I think my own thoughts of this time are more to the folks I knew in a rural town in Arkansas, many of them had never travelled outside of that area, trust was earned and they could solidly count on each other in good times and in bad. Salt of the earth folks my daughter calls them….no flash, and not much extra showing off, what they had they had earned and they shared readily when folks were in need or crisis hit. Far before things got hard here, things have always been hard there, they never did have excess, things were homemade not because they were cheaper or easier, but because there was love involved in making your husband’s the best meal he could have, not wasting money on storebought…..
God is good and today I am thankful for rain and an abundance of time to get my work done.