Often when working to figure out what is not on target in my life I want to believe that I need to do more or learn more or be more…but the truth is for most situations it’s not about more, it’s about less. A friend seeks endlessly to learn new skills to be more successful, but more skills to her toolbox may make it so bulky it would take an army to carry it. The “aha” moment is where the skills in house are deemed enough but how to use them to support her goal is approached.
I apparently know how to buy clothes, match clothes, and wash clothes. What I was lacking was how to choose clothes that in a more limited number of them developed a stylish and low maintenance way of living in them.
The model of commercialism is “buy more” the wisdom of living out your life is “figure out what to do with what you have and you may need to let go of some thinking, baggage, or stuff on the way.”
So when I stopped and took inventory with new intentions (feels good, flattering, easy to care for, flexible to go from airport to dinner if necessary) amazing what happened to the number of clothes items needed and what wasn’t in my closet (enough accessory pieces like scarves to help the transitions.
Same conversation has happened recently with weight loss. I know the diet that works for me, I know the way my energy needs to be fed, but when it got down to it, I didn’t focus on developing a time and distinct method to do the food prep my life requires or to consistently schedule the exercise period for my life daily. Two things uncovered and within 3 weeks I feel and am beginning to look better. What do you ignore or choose not to see about what you don’t know? What repetitively keeps coming round to be experienced again? Is that working for you?
What can you identify that you don’t know?
How can that be powerful for you to learn?