New Year’s Eve can be such a daunting time. For those of us who are creatives or type A personalities or both (watch me raise my hand) I know me well enough to know if I write it down as a goal I’m going to figure out a way or make myself miserable trying. That means if I’m not careful I’ll limit what I’ll imagine putting the “legalistic” perspective to it. “can I do this” . “what would the steps be that I can manage?” and “is it possible from where I am?” and too often those are dream killers before I even allow myself to imagine. This year as part of my “Before You Begin…” series I’ve been asking the “questions to consider” before jumping into the New Year’s goals and calendar. Today’s “Wouldn’t it be crazy if….” question prompt has been very much freeing in our family. We’ve imagined together, we’re thinking out loud without prejudice to cost, hardship or effort, but simply asking the question over and over again. (It’s even posted on our restroom mirror and fridge”
It’s been really interesting to hear what each of us has brought to the table. So many of them unknown to the others in our family. (Sometimes as simple as a local activity they wanted to do, other times big big thoughts about a goal we’ve never done.
As I’ve worked on this question for over two weeks I’ve noticed that too often I limit what came up as “too hard, too far, too much money” before I’ve even considered “What would it take to make that happen” with true openness.
I am reminded of a time when I wanted to change a Toyota van we were driving into a Honda car. I kept thinking “too expensive, too much trouble, and the money doesn’t work.” Yet, when I did the diligence to consider the change, it turned out that I could sell the Toyota van outright for enough money to get the new to us Civic (slightly used) and though the purchase required a $1200 difference, that was easily knocked out in 4 months on what we SAVED in gasoline in the mileage difference in our commute.
By doing the diligence we actualized that “wouldn’t it be crazy if….” and I got my car with no guilt, shame, or past 4 months of debt. If I hadn’t taken time to consider the desire, I wouldn’t have driven the dream. (not to mention saved another $4000 in fuel bills that year!)
Today is about dreaming, thinking NOT about what it would take, but what would be the desire of your heart, your hopes and your dreams.
Wouldn’t it be crazy if….
I dare you, take some time to ruminate on it this week. What would make your heart sing? What would make your heart smile, inspire you or really get you excited when its done? Ask your significant others, your friends and your family what they would say if…
It’s worth the consideration as we begin this new season. Who knows, your dreams may be closer than you imagine!