The girl who goes to bed the night before a yard sale…..who planned to the nines every step of her intended success……you know, boxes gathered for weeks before hand, priced 48 hours before the sale.
That wasn’t me.
Nine o’clock last nght I looked at Dh and said “Honey, we can face dragons tomorrow but I cannot face doing anything more than breathing tonight” It had been an exciting week….Son’s football 2 a days began, freelance writing jobs were abundant, my new logo was ready for my business….a friend had casually called to say she’d be here on Monday….well…..bottom line, it wasn’t going to happen Friday evening as planned.
This morning, much refreshed and more with it than worn out it….we quickly grabbed what we had loose and easy to get to that was to go. We set up signs at 6:30 and by 7:30 had enough outside not to be sorry we tried. By 8:30 it was so hot I was passing out ice pops to every human who came by, I had 102 frozen from a lark sale earlier in the week and boy was I glad this morning! Dh did his part and created tables for me and smiled and encouraged me as we gathered and priced things. Sons1 and Son2 (very akin to thing1 and thing2 before 9 a.m. on a Saturday) even carried out the heavier items I had gathered for me.
It was a good day in Dixie today…..$388 later with $50 more coming even later….we were closed at 11:30 a.m. Almost a sellout! Wahoo. The best thing? This wasn’t even the sale I hoped to empty from our barn out back, this was simply the doesn’t fit, isn’t cute, or doesn’t do it in this house stuff. Waaaaahhoooo! No more guilty feelings about spending $99 on a secretary desk and $200 to the bank on Monday! The rest finances Son2’s camp money needed for football camp food enroute with the team camp. God is good, our budget didn’t get touched for the extra things needed this month and my garage is that much clearer! It almost makes a girl want to do it again in cooler weather……
I think I have a “horse tradin” calling…….my friend’s store needed French Provential things….my heart of hearts wanted something else she had……a third party had what the store needed and I had what she needed….well….lets just say that horse tradin comes naturally to this ole Southern gal. ….and I’ll be dreaming of that store’s opening again come Monday! See, my personal rule is, if you can negotiate it for no money involved, or exchange, ebay, or yard sale it from your former wares from an earlier taste…well, its allowed….but budgets are to be kept and even heart felt whims don’t qualify as “necessary”…..not even for me!
Yay for yard sales! Awesome!