The weekend was one of relaxation, calm and quiet. A welcomed sigh after the last few weeks of running hard and an upcoming travel week. The Fourth of July at #TheTackyBrownHouse was a new experience. Living on the hill means that mornings are cooler and evenings cool down as well. We chose to stay home and enjoy a quiet dinner after gathering earlier in the day with friends. Sparklers were our daughter’s choice and we enjoyed the fireworks of others as well.
We’re five months in our new home, living here the last three. The work continues though the major pieces are complete. We are currently working on our master bedroom and new bath, though the pace is slow and it has no deadline before fall. It seems luxurious to not be on a breakneck deadline, but I too look forward to its completion.
The hydrangeas are still in bloom outside my office window. I am encouraged by the continual bloom fest since May. The colors deviate between white and deep blue on this six foot white round bush and its a continual reminder of Les and my wedding day.
The year has included a child marrying. More letting go of the responsibility of choices made. I find my upbringing continues to encourage me to think all is my responsibility but of course, children, now adults, have the pleasure of their own new responsibilities. Ahh…the path of new marriage.
The July skies are amazing today, the bluest blue one can imagine with the bright green of our pine trees against them. God is good.