Sometimes the schedules simply don’t work out. This week has been a case study of intentions versus interruptions. The flooring for the master bedroom is no longer available, we have a whole house of it, but not enough for the last room. There are choices, but the one I am choosing is to go forward…
Making It Mine
Summer visions and plans
How can it be the middle of May already? This week begins with dropping off our youngest for six weeks with her family in Colorado. As a blended family we have transitions each summer for where the children are. One of the things I am thankful for is that our transitions are peaceful and…
The Progress
This weekend marks the third month we’ve owned #TheTackyBrownHouse. I spent the fall in Arkansas with my father, he was dying and I wished to attend him as I did my mother eight years ago. The weeks had grown long and I was so very tired, and sad for losing my Dad. My father died…