Yesterday I pulled up the grades on my son’s school access. Yuck. It turns out that all those days that I was asking him “how is it going” we were not on the same page on the topic of “school assignments” He is in the process of correcting a few tactical errors, but this Mom…
Making It Mine
Company Girl Coffee 5.1.09
Drake and Tator are EAGER for your arrival! Join us in learning how to make your own home a sanctuary and Friday’s a time to fellowship with other ladies who are trying to do the same! Today its raining, so I’ll ask you to come into the kitchen…isn’t the best sharing always around the kitchen…
Thankful Thursday!
Thursday is my most favorite day of the week! This week I am particularly thankful for: 1. A growing relationship with my God that challenges me to my very core. 2. A husband who is the closest thing to a saint I know, who loves me as I am despite who I am. 3. Healthy…