It didn’t make much sense, we had a lovely new home in a neighboring town. We had just moved from Alabama to Oklahoma to be nearer to our older children and Feller’s parents.

We live in the Northeast Corner of Oklahoma. Grand Lake area. A place where the Ozarks meet the Plains and Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma are all meeting in a huddle in the corner.
Feller and I both grew up in the country with time outdoors. We loved our time on Trinity Mountain in Alabama, but we had chosen to return to a new home in the neighborhood near the lake. It would be easy, it would be finished, it would be a move in ready new home…and it was. We lived there polished and posh for almost 2 years…then we started getting itchy for more space, less neighborhood.
But then we saw this little piece of land eight miles from town. Tall hardwoods and neighboring cows, not track houses. A sunset over a gate and miles of cows…and it just said “home” Only the Lord knows why…nothing else about it said “inhabitable”.
My friend Janet was with me when we found her. A locked gate, a large yard and driveway and a hot mess of a cottage. “Surely not” she said…